The Barpali Days

This blog is the Facebook of Barpali which picturise its "life" and "culture". It was a "palli" or a village a century back where the all time great Oriya poet swabhaba kabi Gangadhar Meher had taken birth. Now this bustling little town is renowned world-over for the weaving of Sambalpuri ikat handloom fabrics. Agriculture is its prime economy. And when you happen to visit this little town don't miss to taste Chaul bara.


Jul 12, 2016

The Art of Fart

I recall an event of my school days during the ‘80s of the last Century. Then I was a student of Class 8th of the historic Prithiraj High School of Balangir. We had our Christmas holidays. On 2nd January our school reopened. Outside the school campus my batch mate Tingalu Bagarti spotted me. He was the notorious boy of our class. I use to be associated with him so as at the time of need he will safeguard me from the senior students of the school. I expressed my anguish to him, that I have not done my home work of the mathematics. He said “Just fart, when you can’t solve your math”. I was clueless on whatever he said. I wanted to know what does he mean, but he laughed loudly and ran towards the school gate.

The first class of the day was mathematics. The teacher entered the class room and took the attendance. Now I started shivering. In life I was never a topper in the class. I used to be a mediocre student, but was always obedient. I was occupying the front row of seats. The teacher made the students stand one after another and asked to show the notebooks. When my turn came I was shivering. I stood, bow down my head and told, haven’t done with the home work. He raised his stick and pointed its tip towards me and asked to stand on the bench holding both the ears with hands. By the time I took the elevated position as directed by my class teacher Taklu Sir, I sensed a bad smell. The teacher shouted, who the hell it is and if not attended the toilet since the day school was closed.

I recalled the brief conversation that I had with Tingalu just before entering the school. I looked towards Tingalu seating on the parallel bench. He smiled and looked towards the teacher as if an obedient student. Taklu Sir scratched his bare head with the fingers and asked me to seat and went to the corridor to take a fresh breath. When the class was over I expressed my gratitude to Tingalu. He said in the morning he had taken basi pakhal with raw onion. He asked if I have done the homework of science subject. I asked, but why ? He said in the lunch hour he would go home and will equip his stomach even with a more powerful punch i.e. Basi Pakhal with muli, the radish.

Whatever the food or drink we consume would come out of the body in one or the other form. The solid substance comes out as excreta, while the liquid portion comes out either as urine or the sweat. On the other hand the gaseous form is emitted as flatulent.  Fart occur when the gas that was generated in the intestines get discharged through the anus. In India the act of farting is considered as a taboo in the civic society. If somebody farts with a noise then people around looks at him with an annoyed face. So it tempts people to fart without letting others know it. But certainly people get alert if the fart emits bad odour.

Note : The pupil shown on the image are different from the characters narrated in this post. At places fictional names has been used to safeguard the dignity of the persons.

WhatApp# +918249314972
E.Kiran Mohan(The Writer)
C/o.Dr.E.R.Rao (MD)
Tehsil Chowk,
At/PO. BARPALI – 768029
Dist. Bargarh, Odisha, India


  1. Wow excellent expression in writing

  2. Chachu maangaya apko. App itna badbudar subject ko khusbudar banadiye

  3. Hahaha... It was damn hilarious.. good one dada

  4. Incredible you can put so much charm to such an ugly subject

  5. This article may make funny to read but a great logic hidden inside this.I think writer Mr Rao try to express his thinking to the society in a diffrents way.

  6. Enjoyed my childhood with your narrations remembering own mischiefs.

  7. U have great expression in writing skill

  8. U can find every happening of life with its own significance but the only condition is that u have the eagerness n sight of a connoi ssure...just wow sir..

  9. It is a nice story i appreciate it heartly

  10. I hope kids don't read this blog lest they will get idea to shirk homework

  11. Great story... Love you Kiran Ji

  12. reminded me of my childhood memories 😁😁..Thanks to remind us the days which are gone but stay deep in our heart..🙏

  13. Hahahaha..thanks to remind me of my childhood days sir..grateful to u for this post 🙏😊 feeling elated

  14. Let people does not consider it as a bad gesture and comfortable themselves with the situation as its natural. Love the way of narration.

  15. ha ha after read the story i laugh and the way u narrate sir

    if create a display of whole scenario

    a huge respect for your creation sir

  16. Uttam Hota
    School days
    Schoolly schoolly
    But more schoolly
    To Er Kiran Kumar.
    Fun fantastic Sir.

  17. Enocent and a really hilarious story . lightens mind. School memories always brings smile on face.
