It was year 1984, I was 12 years old boy and a student of 7th standard in the historic Prithiraj High School of Balangir, Orissa. As a kid I used to be very shy in nature, always fearing the strangers and of-course teachers at school. I used to be an average student in studies. No sooner school was over, instead of playing with boys on the street, I used to run after my mother, even while she was busy with her daily chores at home. I never dare to do any pranks even with brothers at home. And always a victim of miss-deeds of my elder brother.
It was the time for my school's Annual Sports Festival. A batch-mate forcefully took me to the play ground to witness the competition. I was a mere spectator, as because I never use to play any games. When the first sports event was over a teacher started distributing a spoon-full of glucose to each of the participants. As a kid even I had a sweet-tooth. I went forward to beg a spoon of glucose. The teacher scolded me, as I was not a participant.
Glucose was given to all the participants, one need not be a winner. In order to claim a spoon of glucose I planned to participate in the next event. The first event I participated was the long-jump. One after another everybody started jumping as if monkeys. When it was my turn, I too followed there steps. Quickly I returned back to the teacher to get a spoon of sweet glucose. Soon the result was declared. To my disbelieve I stood third in the event.
Surprising. I was there to get a few granules of glucose, but ended-up with third position. On the Annual Day function I shall be awarded a merit certificate. I just gave a thought, why not another certificate. The next event was 100 meters running race. I was just aiming for another certificate. I was running parallel with the boy at the third position. I just had to put an extra long-leap and there I fetch second position. Now I did not go to beg a spoon of glucose. I calm down to think, when I could fetch a third or second position, than why should not I go for the first position.
The final event was 50 meters race. The teacher blew the whistle. We the kids started running towards the red-ribbon. Now I was not competing with the other boys. I was just racing against my own-self. I was racing for the standard I set for self. If I win I shall get all the accolades, in case I fail no one got the authority to tease me. I fired all possible energy to touch the red ribbon first. I was the winner. I never knew, the quest for a spoon of glucose will lead to such rich rewards.
In life, each one of us come across obstacles. We just need to stand calm at the time of hardship, till the violent tide go slow. Do compete when you are falling short of others. But once you reach the pinnacle, now it is up to you to set the new standards for self. Make other follow you. Just grow, don’t compete. Competition is the existence of fear. It causes anguish and restless-ness in body and mind. Just keep on growing, soon one day you will be a massive tree, and your rivals will take shelter under your shadow.
C\o.Dr.E.R.Rao (M.D)
Tehsil Chowk
At\PO – Barpali - 768029
Dist. Bargarh, Orissa, India
Cell # 91-99-371-20565
This is known as Law of Conservation of Passion,which states Passion can neither be created nor destroyed, but one form of passion(for glucose) changes to another form(for accolades). This is like Law of Conservation of Energy.
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed reading your article.
Keep up...
That is what we have been instilled since our school days, One who believes in him/herself can conquer any hardship....!!! An interesting story, but I doubt its authenticity Dada..... ;-)
ReplyDeleteHehehehe....... kidding...!
Fantstic sir.........
ReplyDeleteu are the real writer.....
Gr8 writer, last paragraph is brilliant.
ReplyDeleteAwesome... Initially any one thing can attract in any work, we must get it started... Later you never know... It can give you your best in life... So take decision and make it correct later...fabulous story.
ReplyDeleteGreat 👍